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Know The Tips To Deal With Teeth Sensitivity

Dental Care in Littleton

Do everyday actions such as eating, drinking, and brushing cause you to have tooth pain? If that’s the case, you’ve probably thought about how you might alleviate your sensitive teeth’s discomfort.

A variety of issues can lead to sensitive teeth. Thankfully, there are practical ways to ease dental soreness. Some of these alternatives are straightforward to put into practice at home. Going through the sections below will help you be aware of the ways to effectively deal with tooth sensitivity.

Use The Toothpaste Specifically Made For Sensitive Teeth

For relieving symptoms, toothpaste developed specifically for treating dental sensitivity can be beneficial. The majority of this toothpaste contains an element that fills microscopic gaps in your enamel and dentin for a short period of time. This minimizes the amount of time your teeth’s sensitive nerves are exposed.

Use A Toothbrush With Soft Bristles

Changing your toothbrush is an easy way to get relief from sensitive teeth. Using a toothbrush with hard bristles could make your issue worse. Hard toothpaste and stiff bristles damage enamel, leading to tiny holes and increased sensitivity. Increased gum recession could expose dentin and lead to aching nerves. To retain the surface of your teeth and maintain gum integrity, use a soft bristles toothbrush and brush lightly.

Using A Mouthguard Can Be Helpful

Sometimes sensitivity in teeth can result from nighttime teeth grinding. This is known as bruxism. If you’re worried about this, your dentist can make a custom mouth guard for you to wear at night using imprints of your teeth. This guard protects teeth from harm caused by nightly grinding by absorbing pressure and preventing damage.

Make Sure To Get Your Gums Checked By The Dentist

Gum disease or gum recession can lead to tooth sensitivity. As the gum tissue deteriorates and pulls away from the tooth surface, the areas of teeth without enamel (below the gum line) become visible. This leaves nerves vulnerable and might result in substantial discomfort. Find out whether you have any gum disease that needs to be treated by having your dentist examine your gums. Gum health lessens sensitivity while also protecting the teeth.

Rinse Your Mouth With A Salt Water Mouthwash

Use a mouthwash comprised of salt and water to instantly reduce tooth sensitivity. The alkaline environment created by salt water balances the pH level inside the mouth, reducing bacterial development. It also aids in the removal of plaque in the process. Mix two teaspoons of salt with a cup of warm water to make a saltwater rinse. Use this rinse in the morning and at night until your sensitivity improves.

Oil Pulling Can Be Useful

If you have sensitive teeth as a result of bacterial overgrowth, coconut oil can help. Swishing liquified coconut oil around in your mouth is known as oil pulling. For many years, this remedy has been used to improve oral health. Coconut oil prevents bacteria from forming in the mouth, dissolves plaque on teeth, and removes germs and toxins from the gum surface. As a result of healthier gums and teeth, tooth sensitivity is lessened.

If adopting the measures mentioned above doesn’t yield desired outcomes. Do not hesitate to get in touch with the best dentists for dental cleaning and checkups in Littleton. We are always available to help you in any manner we can.